Science and Research

The generation and application of relevant and reliable data must be the foundation for transparent and objective evaluations of flame retardant chemistries.

A core focus of the North American Flame Retardant Alliance’s (NAFRA) activities is the support of innovative research to enhance the scientific understanding of flame retardant chemistries. This research is shared with various audiences (e.g., industry, academia, governmental agencies, and the public) through peer-reviewed journal publications and presentations at scientific meetings and symposia. Below is an overview of NAFRA’s research areas and projects.

I. Fire Science and Flame Retardant Efficacy Research

Science activities are focused on improving understanding of the factors associated with fire propagation and the role flame retardant chemistries play in slowing or retarding fires. 

II. Human Health and Ecological Research

Science activities are focused on improving understanding of how flame retardant chemistries can interact or potentially impact human health or the environment.

III. Sustainability and Circularity Research

Science activities are focused on flame retardants’ role in facilitating circularity and expanding sustainability for materials in which they are used.